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The gem that indicates how much light Garrett is standing in is much more sensitive. best web site The movement of shadows cast by flame and people is simply stunning (look at the first screenshot over there), and despite the best web site soft realism of the shadows, it's usually easy to tell where one ends and begins. Perhaps best of all, when in third person, Garrett himself gives off just a slight glow, as though he's bathed in moonlightit's not too exaggerated, and it helps keep you from losing your protagonist in deep shadow. Sometimes it best web site seems that Garrett wears tap shoes when on a job; when he walks and runs, he makes so much noise that you have to wonder whether he might not be better off in just socks. "Creep," the third movement mode, is silent but so slow as to be pretty pointless. And there are bugs in the sound-making system: walk or run and Garrett makes too much noise, but he makes no noise at any speed when crouched or carrying a body.