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I had the opportunity to play a nearly full-length demo of the game, with Italian voices and English subtitles. Tony bbw femdom Tough is a short, portly Milquetoast-type private detective who works for a gigantic detective agencybut his office is in the dank basement. As the game opens, we see him as a child, sitting in his bbw femdom window on Halloween, eating bbw femdom his candy. His hell-spawn next-door neighbor sling-shoots a pebble at Tony, knocking him down and setting off a chain reaction that results in a jack-o-lantern falling on the neighbor boy's head, from whence he can't remove it. Time passes; now man Tony's mission is to catch the pumpkin-headed being who steals children's Halloween candy every year. It is Halloween again, and Tony has not been successful, but he knows this is the year he's finally going to solve the case and put an end to the "alien's" depredations. Tony starts out with a sidekick, his "dog" cum purple tapir, Pantagruel. Pantagruel is kidnaped, and Tony receives a note telling him to go to Halloween Park (a sort of a permanent carnival, a no-budget Disneyland if you will) if he ever wants to see Pantagruel again.