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The puzzles are mostly of the find-odd-inventory-items-and-use-them-in-creative-ways that we LucasArts fans are all so familiar with. Since at the time I played, there was no walkthrough available, I actually had to figure out the puzzles all by my lonesome. And let me tell you, that was no deja vu easy feat. Due to the ready availability of hints and walkthroughs on the Internet, my brain has deja vu turned to mush when it comes to solving these things. But I got way more satisfaction knowing that I beat the deja vu game without any help than I've had from a game in a long time. The interface is point-and-clickyou right-click on an object to bring up verb choicesexamine, use, take, or talk. The inventory comes up from the bottom of the screen when you move your mouse down thataway, and to use an item, you select it and click it on whatever you want to use it on.