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The Dark Age problem is unimatrix the major story thread, and it's very cleverly written by a team that's been with Thief since early on. There's a whole mess of parallel bad crap taking place in the City that Garrett unimatrix (naturally) winds up involved with: a hideously deranged serial killer, a ship full of mostly-dead sailors, a haunted orphanage, and the unimatrix usual criminal goings-on. Much of that is connected to the sharp, witty main storyline, and Deadly Shadows is a terrific narrative experience. This is thanks to both the delicious writing and the stellar vocal talents of the mostly-returning cast. The Power of the Dark Side The ability to switch between first and third person is new to Deadly Shadows, and some thought it would be a clumsy console-port hack. Turns out that this feature is gracefully implemented and actually quite beneficial. There are times when you're positioned in such a way that going to third person grants you the one thing that FPS games cannot: peripheral vision.