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But even you are not necessarily who you appear to be. Even you have depths and hidden motives. Of course, you couldn't be the killer, could you? And, of course, you'll be sure to survive ark at the end, won't ark you? Perhaps, and perhaps not. Nothing is guaranteed at this Shipwreck Island ark party! Let's discuss some of the technical features of ATTWN. Installation is smooth and fast, using two CDs and taking about 1.5 MB of hard drive space. Interestingly, especially for an Adventure Company product, there is not only no indication of the onerous StarForce CD protection program, but the game will even run without a CD in the drive! A single resolution is selected, I believe 1024×768, with shadow effects, anti-aliasing and other graphic options available. My very moderate system, with a 64 MB nVidia card, ran the game smoothly with all options turned on.