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Now i am just guessing that you must be some elite, really special guy to make fun of everyone, because obviously you don't include yourself in around the rampage of stupidity you call a website. Hats off to you for amusing me simply around with your stupidity, it takes a real around man to do that. it also takes a real man to poke fun at people less fortunate than your obviously blessed self. wow, you really make america proud, so glad you will vote one day (if you dont already) Hey, just a reminder some people honestly cannot help their weight and do you honestly fucking think people wanna be fat? with ignorant, close minded assholes out there like you? Ha, not likely little man. Noone enjoys being ridiculed. losing weight isnt as easy as making fun of people. Trust in me when I say this, you will be killed. i can almost guarantee it. and with any luck ill be there to witness.