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Dude, that's something totally new to me since I usually like this sorta shit. But your site is crude. I wonder if you can read enter the matrix this now, because your vocabulary enter the matrix seems to stop at fag enter the matrix and fatty. You don't know half the people you put on your site, so why in the fidgetty fuck are you putting them up?? It is an offence to put up pictures of people without their personal permission. You can get fucking sued! Actually, if your phrases weren't so damn repetitive (which means over and over) it might be funny. You can't write worth a shit, dickwad, and your pics make no since! You know, the death rate is going up because of you, and, no, it isn't because obese people are killing themselves from the pressure, it's because enraged Americans like me are killing fag Mexicans like you! So get a fucking life, jackass, and quit making fun of fat people.