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... Okay, maybe I got a little carried away there, but I did spend at least half of my game time working within the inventory. As you successfully figure adventure games things out, you get points, like in the old-school Sierra games. There is a ton of stuff you don't ever have to do to complete the game; you could conceivably play through again taking a different path to the adventure games ultimate solution, using different combinations of inventory items to accomplish the same goals, perhaps trying for a higher final score. I left a couple of unfinished puzzles I would have liked adventure games to go back and solve; I, however, am not a replayer, and the thought of having to repeat all of the parts that stay the same was somewhat less than scintillating. The developers incorporated several possible solutions to many of the hurdles faced by Mina. And if, say, you had already used up your piece of driftwood that would've been handy another time, there will be a different item you can use in place of the driftwood.