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Speech is subtitled throughout, and for bbw stories once there are no typos; as well, the spoken text matches the written. There are some timed puzzles; all time limits, however, are generous, and if you fail you automatically return to the point right before you started the timed puzzle. As mentioned, Return to Mysterious Island is not a long game and bbw stories as such does not warrant a long review. Or that's my story, anyway; I'm done here. Return to Mysterious Island may be a fluke, the excretion of some strange wormhole that momentarily rent the Vast Universe bbw stories of Dreamcatcher Suckitude, but it is a sweet little game that would likely please any adventure gamer, especially those who play their games more than once. Please visit our forum to discuss this game The Verdict The Lowdown Developer: Kheops Publisher: Dreamcatcher Release Date: November 2004 Available for: Four Fat Chicks Links Player Feedback Screenshots System Requirements Windows 98/ME/2000/XP 600 MHz PIII (800 MHz recommended) 16x CD-ROM drive (24x recommended) 64 MB DirectX compatible 3D video card DirectX 7 compatible sound card 64 MB RAM Where to Find It Search Now: Links provided for informational purposes only.