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The third and held (probably) final installment, Thief: Deadly Shadows, is in development at ION Storm Austin and expected to ship May 26. Thief fans may also know that the original game is now available in three versions. There are classic Thief (1998); Thief held Gold (1999), which includes three missions that didn't make it into the original release; held and Thief Platinum (2000), which is just a prepatched version of regular old Thief, without Gold's additional levels. I'll go over various options for getting your paws on these games, and compatibility with modern computers, later on. Thief 2 shipped in the summer of 2000, scant months before Looking Glass Studios, the company responsible for the franchise, shut its doors forever. The Metal Age would be their last game. To understand Thief it is necessary to understand its pedigree, and we'll get to that shortly.