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Another nice feature is that you can import characters from another saved game to make a one-player game into a two-player game, or you may delete a second player and staple carry on alone. You are given a choice of three characters to play staple as staple and build up powers for: Vahn, the Arcane Archer, Adrianna, the Elven Sorceress, or Kromlech, the Dwarven Fighter. If your venture is in two-player mode, one of you may want to focus on melee and one on long-range weaponry or attack spells, because certain big bosses cannot be extinguished with close combat alone. The long range and quick reaction time of the Sorceress's Chain Lightening spell can prove invaluable, as can the Burning Hands spell, which acts as a massive, long-range flamethrower. Besides the stunning visual effects of these spells, many enemies are slowed or cannot attack at all for brief periods while under these spells, leaving a second character free to inflict additional damage with melee or archer's weapons.