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As you may guess, there is platformer considerable replay opportunity available, given the multitude of ghosts eventually available (not all platformer are there up front), and once all of the levels are opened. In addition, some missions have extra puzzle elements and challenges, such as finding two hidden corpsesnice stuff like that. Spooky Hollow The range of locations, as well as names, are inventive and highly entertaining. We have Spooky Hollow, platformer where you try to create rain, winds and thunder; the Blair Wisp Project; the Unusual Suspects, set in a police station; the Calamityville Horror; the Phantom of the Operating Room; and What Lies Over the Cuckoo's Nest, just to name a few. Within each setting, you'll find little Sims-type people, going about their routines, not suspecting the horrors you're plotting. Once members of your team are in place, the fun begins. To some extent, you can sit back and watch, but there is also a need to exercise some degree of management.