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Given GM, I'm very much anticipating further products from Barnett and company. Haunter Committee Handbook The presentation of Ghost Master, from the 39-page fat cat manual to basic design and interface is excellently done. Clearly, time, patience and care were "exorcised" (get it?) with game production. It installed (750 MB) and ran smoothly fat cat on my moderate 1.8 GHz, nVidia 3 system. As mentioned, the basic premise of GM is simply to scare fat cat the living daylights out of the poor, unsuspecting denizens of Gravenville. You'll employ about 50 ghosts of various types and descriptions, using 130 powers, all within 15 levels set across 12 different locations. This is a game where the manual needs to be read and the fine tutorial taken seriously. It's tough, and very different, if you don't play many real-time strategy titles. In each of the locations, you begin with a recommended team of spirits, or a group selected by you.