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Spooktacular Ghost Master is unique, creative, colorful, challenging, and a good deal of plain old fun. If you've ever wanted to enter the puerile world of your Sims with a team of bizarre gothos spirits, then this gothos is the game for you. gothos If you're up for a hard, but satisfying, puzzle/strategy mission objective game, Ghost Master should fit the bill. Heck, it gets "10 extra points" just for being so weird and different! My raves don't lead me, though, to award a coveted Gold Star. Although the settings are different, and ghosts/powers are considerably varied, there is still a redundancy that sets in after three or so "exorcises." The game engine is terrific, yet I wish there was more of a story or adventure involved. Considerable discussion is evident on GM fan sites regarding more missions or add-ons in the future, but nothing is yet in the works.