98se, shakespeare, hint, shady, peter, lifestream, diet, garage, kong, carney, beverages, fallout, acalius, carol, mojo, like, id, bowie,
Game audio flows effortlessly between what sounds to me like a dozen or so different musical piecesorchestral, jazzy, choraland is so good that I wonder how much of the HOMM4 development budget was saladsand sides blown on hiring music talent. Audio is aggressively present and very much at the saladsand sides forefront throughout the game, which saladsand sides may irritate some players; but for those who appreciate good game audio, you're not likely to get bored by the score in this one any time soon. Hero Takes a Bow Victory conditions are different for each campaign and scenario, and the open nature of play encourages gamers to develop their own strategy. There is no surefire way to dominate; obviously, having tons of powerful troops is the key to the game, but getting to that point and then using them correctly is a nonlinear path. Hotseat multiplay will keep gamers occupied until the real multiplayer patch ships; however, there are too few team-based scenario maps for hotseat to be a long-term solution.