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It's not your fault. It is a metabolic disorder, even if you haven't been diagnosed as a diabetic. You are fat because earth for most of your life you've been duped into thinking the only way to stay healthy and/or lose weight was to eat an extremely low fat diet. This is one of the biggest misconceptions you've ever been told. In the earlier part of the 20th century, people ate much more fat and TONS earth less sugar and refined cereals and very few of them were obese. People knew that fat satisfied hunger for a long time, which earth meant that they were content with less food. Then, along came some so-called expert who put forward the theory that fat is what makes people fat and all of a sudden there was a gigantic change in the food industry. Millions and millions of corporate dollars are spent trying to get the public to buy more and more ready made products, most of which are promoted as being "low fat" or "no fat" and therefore must be good for you, Right?