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It also does not give the player dead ends brook or misleading clues. One of the most pleasant things about Bioscopia, and all of the Tivola titles for that matter, brook is just how low-maintenance it is. It is simple to install, load, and run. The sound does not cut out; the game does not freeze or quit to the desktop. What a pleasure! The game comes on two CDs; however, the first brook CD is only for install, and the game is played entirely from the second one, so there is no disk swapping. Tivola has gotten its hands on another well-put together and classy game that is fun to play and educates in an almost inadvertent fashion. Bioscopia has been designed to a standard that all adventure games should aspire to. It's clever, original, and just a plain old good time. Please visit our forum to discuss this game The Verdict The Lowdown Developer: Ruske & Puhretmaier Multimedia Publisher: Tivola Release Date: March 2002 Available for: Four Fat Chicks Links Walkthrough Player Feedback Screenshots System Requirements PC: Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP Pentium 166 MHz 64 MB RAM SVGA graphics card (16-bit) Sound card 8X CD-ROM drive 120