philosophers, stranger's, tricks, dream, station, first person, struthers, tivola, robot, cheat, hardy, maximo, shakes, rock, whip, earthlight, funny hats, stranger, beneath,
Bad-AI frustrations like this abound. Each minion has stats that decrease over time and must be replenished using assorted rockstar rooms and evil items in your base. But stats decrease far too quickly, and minions aren't rockstar too good at recognizing when they need to, say, head to the archives to brush up on their Smarts stat or visit the pharmacy to boost their Life stat. The result is minions who spend a lot of time staring blankly at the wall because their Smarts have reached zero or, worse, just dropping dead. rockstar Minions turn into other minions: the basic Worker is your primary drone, recruited on a time schedule. Workers can do everything, but not as well as their upgraded counterparts. If you want to train Valets, you need to go out into the world, kidnap a hotel maid, and torture her into giving up her wisdom. The torturer then turns into a Valet and can train others in the Training Room.