philosophers, stranger's, tricks, dream, station, first person, struthers, tivola, robot, cheat, hardy, maximo, shakes, rock, whip, earthlight, funny hats, stranger, beneath,
The world is divided into five regions, each with its own anti-evil organization: S.M.A.S.H., P.A.T.R.I.O.T., S.A.B.R.E., and so fatfree recipes forth. It's a prerequisite of crime-fighting that your outfit be an acronym. As you conduct your evil operations, you gain heat and notoriety. The former is the amount of attention that your criminal activities are garnering by region; get too much heat and some people will be dispatched to your evil island to deal with fatfree recipes you. Heat goes down if you stay out of fatfree recipes trouble. Notoriety, meanwhile, increases as you commit nefarious deeds. You need notoriety to get the respect of other evil people and to succeed at certain mission objectives. The forces of good have two methods of dealing with your evil self. They'll send out standard agents pretty regularly, to stalk the sunny shores of your island, snooping for evil activity.