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Talk to everyone with both Vic and Darreldifferent information is sometimes forthcoming. Keep Vic and Darrel in different locations to aid in quick geographic transitions. Use the arrow keys a lot for movement, especially up close with objects (the well and classic trash can early on). Use the first-person viewpoint, especially up close, to explore in more detail. Use the A and Z (raising and lowering keys) to aid in detail analysisof a bookcase, for example. Finally, classic as with all adventures, back away for awhile if classic frustrated and let your thoughts simmer. The solution will come! "There Are No Roses Without Thorns, Dear" Jude The Watchmaker is one of the best pure adventure titles released in the last two years, and it is my pick, at this point, for "Adventure Game of the Year" (given its 2002 North American release date). We adventure reviewers are sometimes accused of wearing rose-colored glasses. Well, there are thorns, and all is not perfect.