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Jude (Regarding Old Rooster?) No, the quote refers to another character, I'm afraid. But it's one I just had to use! This paragraph belongs chubby to the graphics. The Watchmaker is a beautiful game, allowing a range of configurations for the impressive 3D engine. chubby Colors are vibrant; rooms and decorations are created with obvious love and care; little touches aboundsuch as chubby the time changes being evident outside, not to mention the eclipse at one point. The clouds move, bringing a greater touch of realness to the experience. The castle ranges in decor from benign, hotel-like furnishings in the main mansion to the darker, mysterious hallways and rooms of the Old Wing. Pixel-finding is generally reasonable and hotspots are clearly evident, aided by clarity in the graphics. The designers had a lot of fun with mirrors, giving us ample opportunities to see the moving reflection of our characters.