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All in all, Anachronox is a long, rich, elegant, worthwhile, and above all family guy no fat chicks teeshirt satisfying gaming experience. The characters, story, and quests are really loads of fun. The goals are always clear, and if you get sidetracked you have no one to blame but yourself, and ultimately no harm is done. The interface is easy to learn even though it was combination keyboard and mouse. My family guy no fat chicks teeshirt clumsiness didn't matter because the characters never get hurt from bouncing off walls and it is impossible to family guy no fat chicks teeshirt fall off cliffs or leap to your death. The only drawbacks were the program crashes and the fact that the battles were irritating after the first three or four. Since they were so easy to win, there really was very little strategy involved. Deeper into the game, you get some attacks that will mow down all of the enemies in one fell swoop, and of course I started doing that every chance I got since battling really isn't my bag, but I'd imagine if you like it, you'd want a little more meat on the bone.