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But there is also ample opportunity to go for the pure stealth appeal of robbing a house filled only with regular old people. It's very well balanced on this score. Because the light and physics in Deadly bbw sex video Shadows are so drastically more advanced than those in the earlier Thief games, even veterans will find that there's a learning curve: Garrett casts a shadow now, and you've got to wrangle it. You must be aware of all the light bbw sex video sources bbw sex video around you, because what looks like a puddle of concealing darkness from one angle may be perfectly illuminated from anotherand even darkness is only helpful if you've got that peripatetic shadow of yours corralled. Most of Garrett's equipment is back. He's switched from a sword to a dagger, which makes sense given his penchant for tight spaces; the rope arrows have been replaced by moronic and awkward "climbing gloves" that work as though a preschooler designed them. They'd have been a fine replacement if, I don't know, they had worked in any but the most limited and controlled environments, but they don't.