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Missions, story, acting, graphics, sound, physics, engine, stability: all are a solid thumbs up. The climbing gloves are clumsy and so incompetently designed that they should have been left out; but it's motel the City that is the real disappointment, and oh, what a disappointment it is. Were it what it should have motel been, this might have been one for the history books. They came motel that close to the rank of near-perfect, and tripped a few yards before a finish line only a few dozen games have crossed. Good as it is, I do not think that Deadly Shadows will become another Dark Project, played again and again long after its technology is long in the tooth. For the most part, I think gamers will play through Deadly Shadows and then, possibly, revisit it just once down the road, when they're waxing nostalgic about Garrett and his travails.