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Citizens and guards move and behave like special-ed flunkouts. The people of the City walk in tiny, predetermined paths, making at most an oval or figure eight. Why on earth couldn't they have more freedom to ramble? To leave work and visit a tavern for a drink, to go home or out to some gathering? With the exception of scripted events, people never deviate from their flight mojo plan. It made me want to run down the streets screaming, "Where is everybody," surrounded as I was by mojo mindless Stepford mojo automatons that would blithely walk off a cliff if one got in their way. The enormity of the ball-dropping committed by the designers in the matter of the City is less that it's grating and bland; it's how good it could have been. All I can think is how much more incredible this game would have been with a Vice City or Morrowind-type environment where the place really was your oyster, where you would want to spend hours dawdling between missions doing whatever you liked.