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So I say any serial independent developer with a quality title should be supported, in part to break down this onerous climate that is causing the market to be glutted with poorly conceived and executed drivel that further lessens interest in adventure games by the public at large. Fight the man, baby! Alida currently is for sale at serial the developer's website. For the amount of gameplay in the game, and the breadth serial of it, I would definitely say that it is worth every cent of the purchase price. Please visit our forum to discuss this game The Verdict The Lowdown Developer: Dejavu Worlds Publisher: Dejavu Worlds (originally self-published for Mac only); Got Game Entertainment Release Date: February 2003 (Dejavu Worlds); May 2004 (Got Game Mac release); August 2004 (Got Game PC release) Available for: Four Fat Chicks Links Walkthrough Player Feedback Screenshots System Requirements Mac: G3 233 or faster 4X CD-ROM drive QuickTime 4 or 5 Mac OS 8/9/X 21 MB RAM free 185 MB free hard disk space 640x480 screen, 16-bit color PC: Pentium 3 700 MHz Windows 98/00/XP QuickTime 5 or 6 (Quicktime 6.5