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If you still haven't guessed, go back to high school. The Dame Then there's the portrayal of Anya. In the original IGI she was overtarted, but she also kicked ass and was obviously the brains of the Anya/Jones family guy no fat chicks teeshirt partnership. It was Anya who directed Jones to his objectives; Anya who family guy no fat chicks teeshirt told him what his next steps were; Anya who helped him when he was injured, alone, and terribly frightened as in the awesome "Border family guy no fat chicks teeshirt Crossing" mission of the first IGI; and finally, Anya who defused the bomb at the end. In fact, the only reason she wasn't doing Jones's job throughout Project IGI (according to the instructions) was because she'd been hurt in Desert Storm and was confined to a desk. Truth be told, it's Anya's unexplored potential for character development that keeps me coming back to the crappy Project IGI.