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Put your 9 CD in that drive, click on Nine.exe in the NINE folder on your hard drive, and you should be good to go. Technical Note The Nine.zip download contains only those files john that must be on the hard drive for 9 to run. You still need your CD to play the game. This is a workaround for an installation problem, not an illegal copy of the game. Copyright © Electric Eye Productions. All rights reserved. No reproduction in whole or in part without express written permission. Review by john Enigma January 2002 What is the greatest possible john adventure? The story of a heroic strongman, or woman, involved in intrigue, mystery or combat, perhaps? An ordinary, unsuspecting commoner trapped in a haunted house? How about, simply, the advancement of civilization? That's the premise behind Genesys. Its only storyline is the technological progress of mankind from the stone age to the modern day.