Finland Bar Escale, Kansakoulunkatu uk dvd rental blues

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Finland Bar blues Escale, Kansakoulunkatu 3, Helsinki Very bear/Chubby France Paris Bar BEARS'DEN , blues 6 Rue des Lombards, Paris 4č, Métro Hotel de Ville. Tél 01 42 71 08 20 Bienvenus ŕ tous les Bears, Daddies, Chubbies, etc... Bar One Way, 28 Rue Charlot, 75003 Paris Bar & restaurant Le Vagabond, Rue Therese, Paris It is very cozy and very nice. Quiet atmosphere. Jean Charles, the boss, a good-looking grayish bear, owns it for 22 blues years and he is really kind. You can go for a drink and meet people and eat, or also book tables if you want to eat with friends. Discotheque & Restaurant, Le London, Rue des Lombards, Paris 4č, Métro Hotel de Ville Sauna Bains Montansier, 7 rue de Montreuil, Vincennes (Paris), (Métro Chateau de Vincennes ou RER Vincennes) Very nice, often frequented by chubbies and Chasers URL:
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