Entrance is 200 bef. humor nude chubby

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Entrance is 200 bef. Go straight into the main hall. On your right, behind the curtain, is a major nude chubby play zone. When you cross the hall to the screen, there is a double door on the right that nude chubby gets to the smoking room and toilets. Then there are old stairs that get you to the basement where other toilets and a play rooms are located. The place is not pretty and looks filthy but it's not as dirty as it looks. Smell is nude chubby ok, and men are gorgeous. Go for it ! The basement is 100% play zone. Nobody goes down there except for sex.There is also the balcony. Get out of the main hall, pass in front of the ticket booth and turn right, go up the stairs. There is a down part where play is considered "forbidden". Go to the UPPER part of the balcony.
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