Very hot. Last, from fat tuesday seating

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Very hot. Last, from each side of the screen, two rows of stairs get you to the downstairs area where you have old toilets where things happen, and Hall 3, the smallest, where things happen too, mainly in the back of the place, not on the seats. Outside cruising in Brussels There are seating big men sometimes cruising there : public toilets seating on the De Brouckere undeground station, lavatories of all the 3 main railway stations, Hall of the North and Central Stations, Parc seating Royal and Albertine Parc near Central Station. Parc du Cinquantenaire (entrance thru Rond-Point SHUMAN, metro Shuman). On the highway from Brussels to Charleroi Rest areas of Wauthier-Braine and Nivelles Nord work real well all day and evening, both sides. Charleroi On the highway from Mons to Namur, just above Charleroi Rest area of Heppignies, near Fleurus works real well all day and evening, both sides.
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