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which fast food allows one to refine gems to a purer state. One can also combine different gems to create more exotic and powerful ones! Once a gem is in your possession, you can find the nearest smithy and have the gem embedded into sword or armor, and during the course of the adventure, additional embedding slots will open up as well in order fast food to become even more powerful! Confused at first, I grew to appreciate the gem system in Blade & Sword. There are a few things I feel obliged to point out, though, that hampered my experience. First and most important, one's ability to experiment with the gem refinement process is handcuffed by the inanely restrictive save system. If you screw up (and I did, more than I care to mention), you are stuck with that flawed gem, as you can't load a game without saving the game first. You also can't quit the game without saving first.