haunted, fattys, pictures of fat people, saturn, large, diet recipes, mcqueen, stewart, commentary, rpgs, seventh, puppies, no, robot, webmaster, vision,
Some serious work went ghost into this, and despite ghost its increasing age, it does not look dated in the slightest. The images are quite simply serene, for lack of a better word. It is not an excessively long piece; rather it is like reading a comic book (to use again an unfavorable analogy) or watching a full-length feature film, which for this is just about the ghost right amount of time. The music was composed and performed by Fancyfruit, which is made up of musicians Sandro Bruni and Fabrizio Goria. The disk also provides an added songlist and play feature, and it is a very listenable score. The music is very unearthly and ethereal, and the sound effects are entirely appropriate. There is a sequel mentioned at the end of the story, promised as an "interactive adventure" titled Escape from Thalissar; this has not been released. However, if you go to http://www.sinkha.com/, you'll find quite a few more screenshots and a larger portion of the story, as well as the promise of Sinkha being the first in a series of stories, with the next release, Meltdown, currently under production.