struthers, tivola, robot, cheat, hardy, maximo, shakes, rock, whip, earthlight, funny hats, stranger, beneath, azurik, house, prophecy, brendel,
The "collection" works the same way, but I never got more than two things in rockstar it, so I suppose the designers were planning for the future installments with rockstar that one. There are a lot of red herrings. There are inventory items that never get used, like the original pocketwatch and gun, and I never did find all three cards to return through the gate, all due to the incompleteness factor. On the plus side, this rockstar is one of the very few games where I never needed a hint. You never die, there are no mazes, and there are no sliding tile puzzles, all of which are good for brownie points in my book. Overall I feel gypped by dint of not getting a full game. This series idea would have been okay if each game stood on its own merits and subsequent games simply built upon each other to fully flesh out the game world; however, here it results in an incomplete game.