bavarian, cyan, kong, saturn, lara frater, grim, line, missing, potter, law, ripper, monkey, dos, gastric, steel, disneys, macintosh, j'nanin, ear, dangerous, big,
I enjoyed them and usually waited until I had forgotten all the items in each chapter before I watched them. They do tend to forgotten make the "connections" clearer. If you're not as interested in technological advancements as James Burke, you can still enjoy the game's forgotten tongue-in-cheek humor. A spoof of a training video for your new "Acme Drawbridge Opener" gives you a vital clue and is fun to watch as well. A bank clerk plays her part deliberately over the top, and a policeman is a bit on the dim side. You'll also find plenty of visual humor scattered about, such as the newspaper pictured in the right column here. James Burke provides plenty of his trademark wry comments as you go along, making the game entertaining even if you don't care about the education it offers. Bugs Other than the slow-loading Quicktime videos I had no difficulty at all with the game, despite its age and despite the fact that I was playing it on a newer iMac.