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Our tale evolves through a sequence of chapters and missions, tony taking 15 to 20 hours to complete on a medium difficulty setting. After being given a briefing, you're tasked with selecting and equipping up to four superheroes. As the game moves along, not only do the available heroes become more numerous, but also the skills required to perform your missions become more demanding. You tony may not at all tony need the swordplay of Tricolour, but rather the confusion that can be generated by Green Genie. "When Fortissimo Sings, Everybody Dies" Fortissimo Interestingly, and fascinatingly, there is a fluidity and lack of linearity to mission accomplishment. Your heroes are dynamic in that they have a range and level of skills, as well as "health" that can be diminished by the use of those skills. Further, as you move successfully along, you earn experience and prestige points.