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Gameplay allows you to get your ice cream bearings before you get a clue as to who you are ice cream or what you're ice cream doing, which I liked. There was no Encyclopedia Britannica to read and absorb before you start out from the opening location, which a number of games seem to resort to (you'll have to forgive me, I'm now in the middle of Secrets of the Luxor and almost fell over when I realized how many nasty, dryly written pages I'd have to wade through to find clues get through the first few puzzles). The story is cleverly dished out to you one page at a time, as reward for completing puzzles or correctly moving forward, and as you progress, the pages are found and put into the diarythis also gives clues to the puzzle solutions, mixed seamlessly with the developing story. A nice design touch is that the book will save where you were last so you don't have to go back through all of the pages, which adds to the gameplay.