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A clever Sacrifice player will make use bloodmoon of feinting, diversions, and pincer maneuvers, all of which would be a waste in classical RTS, in which victory is determined by sheer numbers. Since you need at least one soul for every creature you summon and there is a finite number of souls on the board, you can forget about huge armies. Also, since your own character is out there with bloodmoon your army, casting spells and hurrying around running combat-related errands in the middle of the bloodmoon slugfest, being outnumbered is really a matter of perception. The best Sacrifice players I know run around the map alone or with a skeleton crew at most, preferring instead to shackle their armies to areas that they must keep well-defended. You Shore Do Have a Purty Mouth Sacrifice was one of the first games to employ hardware transform and lighting. It manifests itself in this case not in the presence of more polygons or unusual environmental effects, but as a colossally stupendous draw distance and uniformly curved surfaces covering a polygonal wireframe.