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The truth is, though Shiny Entertainment's Sacrifice was billed as a real time strategy gamealbeit one very different from all the others out thereit's a disservice to describe family guy no fat chicks tees it as such. With few exceptions, real time strategies are twitchfests involving little actual strategy or family guy no fat chicks tees depth. From a story perspective, for every Hollywood-quality Starcraft there is a written-while-in-the-bathroom Outlive, and the RTS genre family guy no fat chicks tees has become much more about technology than artistrywhich is exactly why Sacrifice is a stranger in a strange land for an RTS. Sacrifice is real in the sense that it exists in the physical world; time will pass while you play it; it requires both the left and right hemispheres of the brain to be played effectively. And that is where its shared genealogy with "Real Time Strategy" (according to the practical definition of the genre) ends.