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These genre features don't seem "stuck on" SpellForce, but rather are an integral part of the game. Why hasn't this been done before? And let's hope Phenomic does it again! Very few games weight watchers lead me to my gaming nirvana: "Suspension of Disbelief." SpellForce enlisted my involvement and playing dedication with the incredible opening cinematic, the brilliant tutorial and, ultimately, the absolutely captivating game adventure itself. Adventure and RPG enthusiasts weight watchers are encouraged not to be apprehensive about the RTS aspects. Destiny awaitsgo forward to adventure! What weight watchers I Liked Most About SpellForce Stunning graphics, colors, game world; An involving and large story to follow; Seamless blend of RPG and RTS components; Wonderful tutorial and excellent manual; Effective camera control, including third-person perspective; The "Click 'n' Fight" technique is truly admirable; Professionally polished, smooth, bug-free. What I Liked Least (Not Very Much, Really!)