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Interesting side quests are presented, but not all are necessary. A day-and-night cycle adds a great deal to the total atmosphere. Your created buildings even have lights in the evening! The musical score is rousing or soft, depending on the occasion. Voice acting is uneven, perhaps the only weakness of SpellForce. Multiplayer is very basic, and there's no pills skirmish mode. But replayability is certainly an option, pills with a different avatar, skills, quests not completed the first time through. "Destiny AwaitsGo Forward to Adventure!" Most of you know by now that, if I pills err in judgment of a game, it tends to be on the generous side as compared with other reviewers. I play (all or part of) dozens of games a year, enjoy them, and am a real sucker for a good game. Having said that, caveat emptor and all that stuff, I cannot take any other action than to joyously award SpellForce our coveted Gold Star. I'll be surprised if it's not up for some 2004 awards about a year from now.