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This Must Be the Living Room. If you've never played a PoP game because you fear or hate jumping puzzles, don't worry. They're as natural here as they are unnatural terror in a shooter or an RPG; they have terror been the core of Prince of Persia since the original series. A few irritating segments aside, The Two Thrones is very well designed, challenging you with some absolutely beautiful and diabolical puzzles. Your progress through the game is dependent on your observational skills, your timing and your mastery of the Prince's spectacular acrobatic capabilities. The Prince has added some new moves to his repertoire: he can brace himself between narrow gaps, angle-jump using shutters, stab his dagger into wall plates and a few other treats. As always, the animations are so stunning and lifelike that an observer would be convinced the game is playing itself. A talented player can fluidly execute the most astounding gymnastics with nothing more than good timing and a few clicks. And you still have your Rip van Winkle mojo.