person, sequel, entertainment weekly, mouth, riven, knight, low fat, discussion, tucker, queen, writing, poe, ps,
All that bad stuff said, Battle out of Hell looks great, with sweepingly artsy level design and nearly as much atmosphere as its predecessor. Environments run the gamut, alternately dark and light, grim and weirdly cheerful, open and claustrophobic. Despite the relative gloom of the game concept, both Painkiller role and Battle out of Hell aren't afraid to use bright, vivid colors and beautiful locales to further underscore the quality of their art direction, which is very consciously geared toward communicating their view role of the afterlife to the player. It's another role point in favor of the studio's incredible artistic talent. There really never was much to say about the audio in Painkiller. It's "fine," which is to say that you're never really aware of it. The music and effects are neither noticeably bad nor noticeably good, though the effortless segue into thumping rock during combat is very nicely achieved. I do wish the acting didn't make Keanu Reeves seem like Olivier by comparison.