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If the Gast icon is frowning he has scarepoints; you can get rid of them by nasty catching dewdrops (these are few and far between; I found it best to wait until I was ready for the final ride and then go looking for them) or eating slime. At the time I took the final ride, I had a happy Gast icon, which I assume means zero scarepoints and the longest possible final nasty ride. I can't say this for certain, but my strong nasty suspicion is that one faces the same number of obstacles on any length of final ride but in the longer ride the distances between the obstacles are greater and thus the obstacles are easier to dodge. I'm not sure if these next parts constitute a spoiler or not; all of the above final ride info is listed in the game docs but what happened after that was a surprise. But forewarned is forearmed, I always say, especially when it comes to arcade sequences.