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The humor is just plain lame for the most partBud Tucker's name cameron is the best joke in the game. And you know cameron how quite a few games are programmed to insult you when you do something wrong? Bud Tucker does that, too, but he always called me "dude" or "guy" or "[insert your own synonym for male]," and that really started to bug me after a while. And the insults aren't cute or clever, they are just, well, insulting, not to mention repetitiveBud's repertoire consists of about seven different slurs to cover 2,000 mistakes that a cameron player will make. "So," I can hear you saying, "lame dialogue, hackneyed gameplay, sexism in the insults, subpar graphicsthis game must really suck." Well, surprisingly enough, it isn't that bad. I'm hard put to think of one specific good thing to say about it, but it definitely had some measure of that all-important intangiblethe fun factor. Actually, now that I have thought about it for a second, here are some really good points: no mazes, no timed sequences, no sliding tile puzzles.