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All rights reserved. No reproduction in whole or fatchicks on the beach! in part without express written permission. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Review by Old Rooster March 2003 "How Old Would You Be If You Didn't Know How Old You Are?" Wayne Dyer Whenever I think of that inquiry from Dr. Dyer, I rarely respond with an age that would qualify me for Medicare. As one of three senior citizens of my acquaintance thoroughly involved with PC gaming as fatchicks on the beach! a hobby, I'm pleased to respond that my gaming age interest level fatchicks on the beach! can lead me to be as young as ten! All this is to say that I find Chamber of Secrets an absolutely delightful experience for the full range of gamer within mechild to curmudgeon. Chamber of Secrets, the second of the Harry Potter movie tie-in games, complements very well the cinematic experience.