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Metaphasetwo Xs top and bottom with strings strung from them in a circle; 3. Anaphasetwo Xs top and bottom pulled apart fatties pics in their centers with the strings; 4. Telephasetwo fatties pics circles; 5. Interphasea single circle. Once finished, the three picture screens will go blank. Leave the chair, go across the room to the machine fatties pics with the dials, and set them to GTAC, then click on the knob on the top on the right side. That horrible noise stops. Hallelujah. Go right, and through the floodgate. Go right, forward, right, and click on the glass case. Get the DNA 1. Back out. Click on the doorknob of the door to the left of the glass case. Open the door. Click to get a closeup. From inventory, put the beaker on the end of the tube, and the fertilizer to the top of the funnel. Take the wilting agent. Go back to the Main Circle.