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He is not really liked by the other kids because of that. Usually his tricks backfire in him, and the other kids get the better young plumpers of him. Tubby especially doesn't like him because Wilbur usually has the affection of Gloria. Willy Wilkins Willy is one young plumpers of the Fellers, members of the boys' club, and often participates in Tubby's schemes. The Westside Boys The Westside Boys are tough kids from the other side of young plumpers town. They threaten to (and often do) beat up the Fellers and wreck their clubhouse. Lulu and the girls and Tubby and the Fellers often work together against the Westside Boys. Individual members include Mickey, Butch, Spike, Mike, Slug, Junior, and Guggy. Mr. And Mrs. George Moppet Mr. and Mrs. George Moppet are Lulu's parents. Miss Feeny Miss Feeny is Lulu's and Tubby's teacher. She has a parrot, Percy, who sometimes escapes.
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