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Already the bomb, Lime is naked indian women primed to go thermonuclear once the good weather comes to stay. That's when the owners will throw open the French doors in the back of their basement space and debut Lime's grand outdoor patio, sunken below Larimer Square and surrounded by high brick walls. Until then, fast-spreading word naked indian women of mouth will surely continue to pour naked indian women bodies into the bar side of Lime, where the fresh, cool mood lighting and the bar's signature Mighty Margaritas make the long wait for a table on weekends a pleasure. Stetson's 15600 W. 44th Ave. Golden CO; Tel. 303.279.0501 This Golden cowboy bar -- which served morning drafts to Coors workers in a past life -- now serves country-and-Western culture to audiences every night of the week. Thankfully, it's the blue-collar working-class type, not the slick sort enjoyed by most wearers of the house's namesake hat.