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  Johnny Tillotson is at the Michigan State Fair in Detroit. August chubbykitten club 25   Ray Charles sells out the 22,00 seat stadium at the Randall's Island Music Festival. August 27   Elvis begins shooting for It Happened at the World's Fair. August 30  Fabian is a guest chubbykitten club star at a benefit at the Boston Gardens hosted by Danny Thomas. Auust 31   Murray the K hosts the annual Labor Day rock and roll chubbykitten club show at the Brooklyn Fox Theater.  Appearing are Ben E. King, the Shirelles, Chuck Jackson, the Ronettes, Bobby Vinton, the Dovells, Dee Dee Sharp, the Capris, Tommy Roe, the Marvelettes,  the Del Satins, the Majors, Little Eva and Tony Orlando.  The show will run for ten days.  Fabian is paid $2500 for one performance at the Convention Hall in Asbury Park, New Jersey. J ocko's Rocketship Revue at the Apollo theater is headlined by Don Gardner and Dee Dee Gardner.  Other artists include Gary U.S.
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